Friday, December 7, 2012

So How Did I Do?

The broadcasting communications' capstone showcase has come and gone. It is a great relief and satisfaction to me that the journey has finally come to an end. My documentary presentation went over great with my audience. The Coy's were in attendance and told me that they really appreciated my work and we're tearing up at certain parts. That meant a lot to me as I was very concerned on how their reaction would me. Even my Dad said that he was getting a little emotional during the documentary.

My consultants and instructor reacted positively to my documentary. My capstone professor Brad Weaver and my other consultant Jonathan Joy said that they really enjoyed my storytelling ability that I was able to give to the audience. Mr. Weaver said he liked how I dug deep especially with interviewing President Dorman to provide that extra conflict. As far as negatives are concerned, Mr. Joy said that some production values could have been improved and corrected such as interviews looking different almost as if they were shot with different cameras. Also some different lighting issues such as video being a little dark at times. I understood this criticism as I had to deal with different backgrounds and outdoor/indoor elements while shooting the documentary.

I feel that the feedback given on my capstone is justified and fair. I was proud of my performance but always know that there is something that I could have done better. Having a crew to help out could definitely have helped along the way but all in all for producing the documentary by myself I think I did a good job.

Thanks again to everyone's help with the production of my capstone documentary. Here's the link to the finished product. 

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