Friday, December 7, 2012

Advice for Future Broadcasters

As one capstone year comes to an end, another one is very close to beginning. The class of 2014 is getting set to start their first semester of capstone in January. There are a lot of people that I know and am friends with so I would like to give them Connor Kobis' 3 helpful tips for capstone.

1.) Start thinking of topics ASAP!:  The first semester is all about hammering out an idea. The sooner the better! Once you can pick out a topic you can start doing research and getting prepared for the URAC poster presentation.

2.) Use your classmates to your advantage: I couldn't stress how useful it was get my classmates' take on my documentary while I was shooting and editing it. I would constantly ask how this shot looked or if I should use a transition here or there. This really helped me fine tune the production process and editing.

3.) Shoot, Shoot and Shoot some more:  Let me make this simple.....YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH VIDEO. The more the better; go for different types of shots (close ups, wide shots, steady zooms). Try and shoot early on in the semester so that you can go through your footage and log what you have. 

Good Luck Class of 2014! I know you guys are capable of great things.  

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