Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Come one...Come All!

       It's nearing crunch time for the completion of my capstone documentary. Time for all this hard work to come to a close at Muller Theater on December 1st. That is when the showcase will take place for all 9 students in broadcasting's epic capstone class. I will be presenting in Session 2 with my colleagues Andrea Tice and Ashley Durham. Our showcase will kick off at 1:30 PM and go until 3:00 PM so make sure you get your seats saved! Get your popcorn ready because we are going to put on a show!

 Here are the films in Session 2:

 "4th and a Miracle"             "Wounded Warriors, Healing Hounds"   "Over the Rainbow" 
     Andrea Tice                                Ashley Durham                   Connor Kobis     
4th and a Miracle Teaser

While the game of football is measured in yards, the game of life is simply measure in time. The time spent between Scott and Sarah Coy is a living testimony to make every second count. Come follow the journey of these two, as through thick and think they have made it sticking by each other's side.

 My documentary will follow the lives of Scott and Sarah from the day they met to how they got where they are today. Through Scott's near fatal injury to possibly being let go from his job, these two have endured quite the hard times together. Through everything though it has made their bond even stronger together. And now their family has grown by 1 with the recent birth of their first son, Preston Allen. I truly hope that everyone in attendance at the showcase will be able to take just one thing away from what they've seen and apply in it their lives such as determination, perseverance or the strong bond of love. For me, throughout this whole experience, it has been about putting my life in perspective. Sometimes you think you have it tough when in fact what you've gone through pales in comparison to the tough times others have faced. I hope that people will come see it to gain a better understanding of the situation that Scott and Sarah have went through. Some people already have their preconceived notions about what happened to Scott. However I want to share with them the story through other people's perspectives like Scott's Father, President Dorman and Sarah's Father.

I appreciate all the help and support from those along the way in the production of this documentary. I am looking forward to showing the finished product! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Connecting to Service-Learning

Here at Westminster College the Drinko Center sponsors a service-learning component to our education. What is service-learning you might ask? It is an educational method where service is incorporated into a class and students are expected to show in some way how they contributed to this service mission. Furthermore service-learning exemplifies the Westminster College mission of allowing students to gain real-life experience while also contributing to the community in the form of service.

For my capstone documentary I will be contributing to this service-learning. In my proposal that I put forth back in May my service learning statement was as follows:

"Learning is a part of growing as an individual. It shows no bias to age. When a mistake is made, people are affected both directly and indirectly. A community can also learn valuable lessons from a single person as well."

With the new direction that my capstone has taken, there are many ways that it still applies to service-learning. First and foremost it can certainly teach a lesson, specifically one of determination and perseverance. The journey that Scott and Sarah Coy have shared together is something that can be admired and looked up to. There is something from their story that each and every one of us can take and apply in our own live to become a better person. Sarah choosing to stick by Scott when some might have left. Scott continuing to work through rehab to get as healthy as possible.

The list goes on and on. I have certainly learned from working with the Coy's at just how strong the bond of love is. Just when you think that you are at a breaking point in your life, there is someone there who reels you in, sticking by your side. For Scott, this someone is Sarah and now the two venture forward in their lives joined by their first born son Preston Allen. I truly hope that the story conveyed to my audience has a meaningful impact on them when they leave the showcase. By doing this I will contribute to the service-learning statement put forth by Westminster College.

To learn more about service-learning and its connection to Westminster College, follow the link below: